My place to stand

I don’t mean to be away from my blog so  long and honestly, I don’t like to be away at all. I’ve come to enjoy communicating with other writers and readers in a way that is mutually stimulating for all of us. In the last couple of days I started to notice that something was missing. I took me until this morning to realise it’s because I haven’t posted in a week. I’ve been busy catching up on housework, researching for the website and entertaining three dogs – my sister is visiting with her two pooches. The house is full and loud, but the library remains halcyon. I smile bigger down here, laugh louder, write with more appreciation for the art. Some people can write any where, any time. I need a place to stand and this is it. Good things are happening now and I believe they will continue. Where do  you like to write?

About Sharon

Writer, bibliophile, dreamer and student of everything
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12 Responses to My place to stand

  1. fieplespent says:

    Oh my god loved reading your article. I added your rss to my reader!

  2. vigrx says:

    That’s Too nice, when it comes in india hope it can make a Rocking place for youngster.. hope that come true.

  3. pochp says:

    Maybe you were writing so much that you just
    unconsciously stopped 🙂
    Hi Sharon. Been months since I visited you.
    And I think the last time I stole your picture of the sunlit room.
    Anyway, since WPWG is on your blogroll,
    I wish you would submit one of your gems. Later and thanks.

  4. Sommer Leigh says:

    I have a library with a very small desk (any bigger and I tend to get distracted by putting things on it. Like doing my nails, or piling books to read, or eating or knitting, whatever) that has my laptop and charging station, hand lotion, pencil/pen mug, and lamp. Art hangs above. Shelves of books are in various locations in the room and two cobalt blue queen anne wing chairs beside me with a silver pedestal table in between. I have an ottoman and lots of artwork and things and sorts. It is not a very big room, but it has a closet full of crafty stuff and CDs and my comic books.

    I also do not have a door on this room, mostly because it is a small room and the space needed to open the door is too valuable, but also because if the cats are not allowed entrance at all times, they sit outside the door and howl miserably. So it was a waste to even bother shutting the room. The only thing I still need for the room is a rug to go beneath the chairs.

    That being said, I also write with my laptop out on the couch when I want to put my knees up and curl up with a blanket and a cat. I write at Scooter’s Coffee Shop sometimes too. I like writing there but I also like writing in my pajamas. Conundrum!

    • Sommer, your library sounds delightful. Small spaces are intimate and very personal. I’ve worked in a variety of spaces, but no matter how big the rest of the room, the actual workspace must be neat and intimate. I’ve done the coffee shop writing gig too, but it doesn’t work for me, I get too caught up in people-watching.

  5. I start out every morning in my study with my mandolin, my computer, and my coffee. Some days its only a half hour but after I write and play a while I’m ready to go to work.

    It is easier to find the time these days because I am semi-retired and my children are grown. My daughter always said I took my art to another level after they left for college because I missed them so bad, and I think that is true. (I’m lucky though, ’cause they still come home to visit.)

    I need a place to stand too, and my study is the place.

    Dr. B

    • Linda says:

      I write in my “multi-purpose” room; it’s half office, half art and craft studio. I have a window beside me so I don’t feel too out of touch with the world, because some days — good writing days — I barely leave this room.

    • Dr B – every morning before work, what commitment! And such a great work ethic too. It’s an admirable quality.

      I hope that some day my own kids will look on me as yours do you – with the love of a child, and the support of their humanity.

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